Well, I am back & I am the proud mum of a very handsome baby boy. I went into labour the day after my sweep and the boy was was born on the Thursday afternoon. Things didn't go to plan, as he was a big baby and managed to get stuck, so it was the sunroof option in the end, but the scar and shuffling like a geratric afterwards was definately worth it. Although I am still undecided if I will be down the the pregnancy route again.
For those wondering about the pains of labour, I can honestly say it wasn't too bad, bad as I had an epidural so despite labouring for 14 hours, I didn't feel a thing and slept through most of it!
I think it was more trauamatic for my hubbie watching the monitor of heart rates and his endurance of the hours passing.
The days are flying by in measurements of sleep and volumes of feeds but we are slowing getting into a routine and I am now back into pre-pregnancy clothes with only a 1/2 stone to loose until I am back to my usual weight. So not all bad at all.
I also have the new joy of tiny clothes shopping for a male who doesn't complain no matter how long I spent looking at shoes!