My celebrity crushes are taking a turn for the worst. Not satisfied with humiliation of lusting after a man who wears a head band, I have now wandered into the cross dressing territory of Eddie Izzard.
I have always had a thing for men in make up, (Let me just state for the record – men in makeup not any she-male stuff ..OKAY?)
It all started with a love of Adam Ant. His prince charming outfits and eyeliner shaped my fashion love from the tender age of 4.., David Bowie, Mark Bollan, all made my list of utter coolness.
Later it manifested into the God of F**k himself, Mr Marilyn Manson. (Who I still secretly admire even though he is embarrassing himself quite a bit these days.. )
And now Eddie..
Hey, at last we can share nail varnish. I hear he has a fantastic collection.
Woman, what is happening to your taste? Mind you, saying that, I've just gone back on to Graham Coxon.
WTF is wrong with me??? Maybe it is all this dieting and I have lost my mind??! *shakes head*
Although I was watching Fracture at the weekend and ryan Gosling is miiiighty fine..
Ryan Gosling? That sounds like a type of bird.
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