Well, I return from Las Vegas as officially Mrs Catslife, I won't bore you with pictures and details, but it wasa lovely relaxed time & the wedding was what we wanted.
People have been asking me since I returned if it feels different being married, especially after livng together for 5 years.. in some ways it does, I aware it is for the long haul now but it also feel more secure and a we are true team against the world. (apart from last night when I had a hissy fit over something ridiculous - but that is a story for another day).
Unfortunately, the mundane day to day chores haven't changed with my change of status and life continues as normal. Work has also continued with the same mixture of madness, blood, sweat & tears as before, with the same stupid decisions being made.
I am now counting the weeks to my maternity leave and giving serious thought to a career or industry change in my time off.
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