A bit of Kanyne.. get those heads nodding kids.. It's Friday..
Friday, 31 August 2007
The headlines this week ..
Why are they still in the fame Spotlight?
Why are they still in the spotlight - Part II
Do we actually care?
So disappointing.. I have a thing for ugly men.. Rhys was one of them.. but not any more. He is officially off the list.
Why don't they give her some room to recover?
I guess it has been a slow week, new wise...

Thursday, 30 August 2007
Friends in High places..
It is better off just not knowing…
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Shall We?

The black clouds have arrived.
So today I am sitting gazing out the window at the grass, wishing I was at home hiding from the world. My head is filled with doubts about everything from my relationship, the future, my ability to do my job, to my distorted self image in the mirror. And not really wanting to talk or my Mum/ friends/ partner telling me it is ok & smothering me with all the common sense facts of my life of why I should be happy, because something inside me says I am not.
We are off to see the wedding planner at 4.30pm today, which I should be excited at but it feels all too much to think about at the moment and it is another thing that I am worrying might somehow go wrong.
I am off to get my legs waxed. Hopefully the 1/2 hour of pain will draw me out my mood..
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Jack Bauer, K-fed & my New Specs.
Sunday night's dream featured Keifer Sutherland, walking my parents dog for some odd reason. Which prompted me to spend the most of Monday afternoon watching the remaining 6 hours of 24. My feelings at the end are as follows..
* I am glad Terri Bauer croaked it. She was becoming very annoying towards the end, Ok I know she had been through a lot in 12 hours, but she was unhinged I I struggled to believe Jack would marry her in the 1st place, far less return to her after a spell of freedom.. I don't think I would be able to watch the next season knowing she is in it.
* I warmed towards his daughter in the end. She was quite plucky..
* The whole Nina being the Mole, seemed a bit rushed towards the end. Although she had to be, as Jack suspected her from the start. And he is NEVER wrong.
* I feel vaguely adrift now it is over, like I have just finished a good book & miss the characters.
Last night's dream was even odder, where I was viewing some cottage in the country, which part way through the dream transformed into a multi storeything with a lift. Which while usingthe lift I then bumped into K-Fed & his mate who were dancing & singing in what appeared to be an underground car park.
I remember thinking in the dream that he was actually quite a decent guy but was worried about being nice to him as Britney Spears had so much trouble because of him & I didn't want to be thought bad of.. so I ignored him.
Also picked up my new glasses today. They are much prettier than I remembered, and my eye sight is a lot worse than I thought. I am bit shy towear them though at the moment and feel very self concious while having them on. I might get contacts sooner than I planned.
But it is good being able to see!
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Castles, tattoos & genies in a bottle
Yesterday, we spent the day in Edinburgh, taking in the atmosphere of the festival & wandering in the gardens. The picture to the left for all you culture vultures, is of the Castle from the West end of Princess St. Very pretty, I'm sure you will agree.
I also got another tattoo, a spur of the moment decision (which I know is bad - that is how I am). That is the inside of my left foot incase you are wondering..
It hurt like a bugger , I had forgotten how sore they are. I did really want one on my wrist but was talked out it by the voice of reason... 'how would it look when you are a Marketing Director with a tattoo on your wrist?'..
And finally we went and choose our outfits for the fancy dress party next week.. after a huge strop over nothing fitting me and avoiding the shop owner's slightly sleazy suggestions for sexy school girl/ milk maid/ nurse outfits.. I settled on this
Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Things about me.
Anyway 4 lots of 4 facts about yours truly..
4 jobs I have had in my life
Well I've actually only had 2 proper jobs in my short live in my choosen profession (Marketing, fact fans) However I have worked in a variety of bars, call centres & restaurants while living the student life. The best being my 1st restaurant & bar that I worked between the ages16 -18. With 4 of my friends at the time as well as my brother. The laughs and hilarity outweighted the paltry pay & mundane of serving the public. And I looked forward to my shifts as it was just liking hanging out with my mates.
4 Places I have lived
This is one I can answer quite interestingly, I have lived in Scotland,Australia, Borneo & Wales.
4 places I have been on holiday
Paris. The boy & I decided to get married here..after a few hours in a bar on the Champs Elysee and figured an Elvis wedding in Vegas would rock.. (that theme died a death when we told our parents)
Prague : I loved the gothicism and alien culture of Prague, having never been that East in Europe before I found it a cultural wonder.
Barcelona. : the street selling pets stilll upset me.
Rome: which delighted me more than I expected - the people, the city, the culture. All of it.
4 of my favourite foods
I am quite a simple soul when it comes to food, I do enjoy lots of different dishes & I a happy to try new things but my favourites things are simple..
Coffee : does this count as a food? I am not sure.. But I love it & I look forward to having good coffee each morning. i do prefer a smooth blend and tend to drink with milk.
Cherries ; by far my favourite fruit. I love soft fruits and berries the most. But cherries are top.
Fresh bread : nothing beats warm fresh bread - preferably brown & seeded.
Crackers & cheese.. eaten with family and friends and long lazy chats.
Four places I would rather be right now
At home with my cats snuggled up on the couch with a good book ..
On a sun-drenched beach.
In a nice pub in town with good friends having a lazy lunch.
Not in work!
Catslife X
A mood most foul.
What didn't help that I came into a cheery email this morning stating that the next team building fandago was that we were going to do is creating a flipping music video together ..and singing... Yep. SINGING.
Jesus. H .Christ , what is WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??!
Now don't' get me wrong, I am all for team building, and I am part of a great team. But singing.. I am under no illusion that I can sing & coupled with a video camera pointing at me it is my worst nightmare.
I do not harbour fantasies of being discovered on X Factor as I am well aware it is beyond my ablities and mainly because I am quite shy. Which people findquite strange, as on meeting me you wouldn't think so. In work I can stand & present without fear, and quite comfortable to chair meetings at senior level.
However ask me to be bold in a personal context & the good old nervous rash appears and I start fretting weeks before the actual event. And to add insult to injury I am pretty sure I gave them the idea as I joked when they said they had a few good ideas by saying ' It isn't singing or something is it?'. F**kers.
The only good news for today is that it looks like my car insurance company is coughing up, so I now need to do it fight them for how much. And I have discovered my local dry cleaner does an ironing service, so my ironing board is getting binned..
Thursday, 16 August 2007
For Miss F..
I hope you enjoy it.. Best line of the film..
'you don't have to beat me David, you just have to keep up'.
A Rant Brewing

Seller's Regret.
Guess what would go great with my outfit today .. a pair of soft black leather cowboy boots, just kicked in enough to look vintagey and not too Yeah hah lets line dance.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Never mind the Polar Ice caps melting..
Don't try this at home kids.
Another day, another bruise... I am still recuperating from my off roading land speed attempts in an unsuitable car on Saturday and the bruises are appearing now.. To date I have:
- A black eye. Not a full on Rocky Balbour type but just enough to give me that rough & ready fighting on a Saturday night appeal.
- bruised cheek.
- bruised spleen & kidneys - which is VERY Sore. I can only imagine this is what it would feel like to take a spin in the washing machine.
- bruises on the underside of the tops of my arms ( how did I do that?!)
- very sore ribs, meaning it is painful to breath & unfortunately laugh..
- bruised hip bones
- bruised top of my thighs.
The good news is that I have some whopping 600mg Ibroprofen that makes everything a bit warmer & fuzzier when it hurts too much.
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Eye candy.

And to make matters worse..

What is bus decorum these days???
Another crappy day in a crappy week.
Yesterday morning, I rose to the sound of rain (again), but slightly optimistic and thinking of the list of chores I was going to do today as Mr C was working.. wondering if one of the 2 packages that I had to pick up from the Postage contained my AWOL phone and reminding myself to drop off the pet insurance documents at the vets for Sick Boy's overnight stay.. and wondering what I would wear to the Edinburgh Tattoo tonight as it would be cold & wet.
What the day actually materialised into was me managing to write of my car due to skidding in the wet, sending it spinning into a 3 pillared bollard, then spending 4 hours in accident & emergency and scaring my nearest & dearest half to death with my driving antics.
Thankfully I am ok, a bit bruised about the ribs and I have a great black eye to show at work on Monday, unfortunately I don't think my wee car will pull through.
And to add insult to injury it wasn't my flipping phone in the package...
Friday, 10 August 2007
The Weekly Cat Round Up.
Monday kicked off with a 4:40am rise to catch the red eye to London. So the night before was a broken sleep flitted with strange dreams of sleeping in & missing planes, all to sit in a 4 hour meeting ran by the bean counting accountants who doom mongered us all with the great news that we already knew. The summary being that we are way off income targets for 2007 and 2008 is just going to get tougher with bigger goals to hit and less money to spend.
So after being thoroughly depressed and not even a decent lunch provided, I chose to leave the office early and wheedled my spare 45 minutes in Duty Free buying some body crème to match my perfume. Thankfully the flight left on time and I arrived in Edinburgh after a short in-flight disco nap, feeling not too bad.
Not satisfied with horror of cat kibbles, chicken & peas mixed with belly juices that he had just manufactured, he then decided to move to the living room and repeat the exercise. His timing coincided perfectly as I was just about to sit down to my dinner.

Tuesday kicked off bleary eyed rushing to work to send things home to work on & a vets appointment. Which on examination it seems he had caught some viral infection that meant he kept in & put on a drip. (now if any of you out here have pets, you will know that a cat overnight stay is about the same cost as B&B in a 3* hotel.. yes really)
So I spent Tuesday scrubbing carpets, worrying and not getting much of my growing work pile done. Tuesday night was another broken sleep, this time full of drowning kittens that I couldn't save.
Wednesday was back at work, 2 days of out the office to catch up on & thankfully good news that the cat could return home. he was now none the worse for his illness apart from a shaved paw and a empty belly. I on the other hand was £120 lighter in the wallet and 10 years on my age with stress, and facing the delightful prospect of having to try & wrestle a tablet down his throat twice a day for the next week.
Friday, 3 August 2007
What would Jack do?

Have a good one Bloggers.
Random thoughts & Musings for a Friday..
· My 3 cats. Even though they are like the 3 horseman of the apocalypse at times with their wanton destruction, and continue to leave me random dead animals on the doorstep, I truly adore them. Nothing sooths the soul more than a furry purring cuddle.
· Cherries and soup. Sorry, not technically eaten together, but both are my saviours in my stop eating junk food mission.
· My new shoes bought in the sale from Bertie. Only down side is that they mark very easily. I am giving thought to ordering them in black.
· Burgundy nail polish on all fingers & toes. I am trying to work the groomed look at the moment. It may not last but I am loving my nails all the same.
· Clarins Eau Dynamistante. I have rediscovered this recently & I cannot get enough of it. It is officially my happy scent.
· The mannish influences seen on the catwalk for the forthcoming Autumn wardrobe. And although we haven’t really had a summer, I get excited about new season fashion. ( I feel a separate post on my Must haves for Autumn..)
· Keifer Sutherland. Of course.
Things that I am pondering today..
· Why was there a strange cat shouting at the different doors of my house this morning, much to me & my cats' bemusement. Does he belong to someone? Did he want in? Did he want my cats out? Did he think my cats were girls? What was his problem? He is lucky that cat Numero Uno, didn’t wander back from his morning constitution and catch him skulking. There would have been trouble. Boss cat does not like any strangers on his patch far less serenading on the patio at 8am.
· Do I really want a pair of high waisted trousers? Are they flattering on anyone under supermodel porportions or do I run the risk of looking like my mum in the early 80’s?
· Why can’t I find a black (maybe sheer) blouse with puff sleeves (length not decided), with a pin tuck bib for wearing with above trousers?
· My hairdressers appointment tomorrow .. Should I go slightly blonder or just keep to the same tones?
· Could I get away with wearing Gladiator sandals to work?
· Where is my new phone? Has it been held up with Postal Strikes or gone missing…
· Why do some people make things overly complicated? Or am I missing something? Do I see things too simplistic and not understand the problem properly? Or do some people just thrive on the drama??
· Could I get away with a small tattoo on my wrist even though I work in a corporate environment?
· Why the hell is my PC now slower even though it has been upgraded?? It is being to impact my online autumn wardrobe scoping…
Oh, as I remember, the wax session went fine. A bit on the stingy side, and some hairs were too short but over all not too bad. I shall be venturing back.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Waxing PII..
It is now too late to cancel or they will take the payment anyway.
Flippin' great.
Beauty & the beasting.
Not only did she miss bits so my legs were not Veet Advert smooth but she left me with carpet burn like sores from not pulling the wax off fast enough & then trying to do it again. While regaling me with tales of drinking at the weekend and what a hangover she had. Not the best experience to be had.
I am hoping that since I have booked a more upmarket salon this afternoon that it will not be a traumatic and I can ditch the razor after all.
I shall update you on my experience this afternoon.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
And today's worst dressed award goes to…
The woman at the end of the office, who is the wrong side of 40 to be wearing a skirt that is 6 inches above her knee. I am sure she is a nice lady, but the fact that she also has a hair cut very similar to Shirley from Eastenders, means the preconceptions are already there.
I would like to give special mention to..
the over weight chap, who's white shirt is not only delighting me with the out line of his nipples but it is too small & so I have a grand view of his man boob cleavage.
The girl who flaps about the office in Flip flops, vest top and no bra come rain , snow or shine. Her dyed black hair scraped into a Croydon Facelift pony tail means I am slightly intimidated and avoid speaking to her at all costs.
The Permatan man who's outfits are ordered in bulk from Next and he is now far too orange and neat looking to be taken seriously.
Today's Run down..
I forgot yet again, to post an ebay parcel.
I have spent the day having lots of laughs with the wonderful Miss F, discussing in intricate detail the wonder that is Kiefer Sutherland. I am sure if we just got to LA, our plan would work.
I wore a new dress to work today that I wasn't sure on and was considering selling , but I have had 4 compliments today on it. So not all that bad.
I have now lost a stone in weight & I feel good for it. And I am managing to stick to my 'eating no junkfood' approach.
My skin is crap at the moment.
My fashion mojo has taken a dive. I can't find anything in the shop that excites me. And I am sick of tunics/ smocks & leggings.
I have an appointment to get my legs waxed tomorrow, which I haven't done in years. I am now stressing that it will be too painful.
Tonight's plan features, fake tanning, cat cuddles and Jack Bauer. Which I am looking forward to.
I am such a label whore
But isn't it beautiful?? Say it is..
What the hell is today's world coming to?
When I opened this article I expected to read it was in Iraq or Afghanistan. I cannot believe this happened in Britain today.
I am not sure if you saw Panorama last night, which was about the Happy Slapping phenomenon (or worse in some cases) where kids are filming fights on their mobile and then uploading to YouTube. While the violence was horrific and I am not skating over it , but for me, the most shocking part for me was the comment of the YouTube representative, who when asked why they did not block these kinds of videos, they stated they did not feel it was their responsibility to police their own site's content, but for the Police to contact them about individual cases & they would then be happy to assist.
Now coming from a Financial Services background where corporate and social responsibility is paramount and we are heavily governed and fined I may add, I found this absolutely flabbergasting and very irresponsible to the point of arrogance.
Imagine for a moment if a Bank took that attitude with your account? Yes Mr Customer, we know people are hacking our accounts/ defrauding our customers / using your id/ laundering money but until the police contact us about specific cases we won't take an security measures to prevent law breaking? Now I know I am exaggerating a bit, and it isn't on the same level, but with this attitude, in my opinion it is as if they are condoning it?
Wrong. It is so wrong.