Monday 10 December 2007

Odd balls

Well, the concert was brilliant. While I have been to many a concert before, I have never been to see someone who I adore. ( I am odd like that) So seeing Mr Manson in the flesh was equally weird and wonderful. I actually squealed when he walked on stage. He is brilliant live and his theatrics are there to cause outrage & provke thought. By far the scariest and oddest thing of it all was the religious protestors outside with their placards in the rain asking us to repent Manson's satan.
Thankfully my outfit wasn't such a hassle, I settled on black skinnies, a black camisole, red louboutin like heels, a Alexander McQueen Skull scarf and a black tuxedo jacket. I wasn't the most vanilla there by far, it was an odd mix from your full on Spooky Kids to people more my parents age & dressed as equally similar. Just goes to show..

On Friday I also got another tattoo. 3 blue stars on the opposing foot to my flowers. I will post a picture tonight when I get home. It was bloody painful and the tattoo artist agreed it is probably the sorest place to get it done. ( how hard am I??!)

Speaking of hard.. When I was sitting feet on display waiting on the pain to start, I witnessed a lunatic who came in and asked for some German SS tattoo being told to 'f**k off as we don't tattoo you nazi types'.

This after being told that the 10 inch tattoo that he already had on his chest wasn't anything SS related but was actually a 35 year old biker one. And he had been lied to… just proves, you should always research before you get inked..

And you don't mess with tattoo artists. Afterall they inflict pain for a living.

1 comment:

Miss Forthright said...

Your outfit sounds wicked, as does the new tattoo. I demand photos!