Wednesday 5 December 2007

Things I have learned in the past week..

* patent shoes are death traps.. The shiny stickness on each foot if clipped together cause immediate falling. Be warned. La Catslife has embarrassed herself a few times this week by stumbling/ staggering and sliding.

* You may be able to choose the man, but his family are a different matter. Take a good look before you jump, they are with you for the duration whether you like it or not.

* Funerals bring out the best and worst in people. As do the dividing of a will. I recommend you do your damnest to spend it all or leave all your money to your local cat home and save your family from themselves.

* once you are over the age of 30, the birthday's aren't as painful.

* Sometimes the smallest gestures, make the biggest impact.
* People who bring babies into work annoy me.


Miss Forthright said...

I feel your pain about patent shoes. I also feel your pain about your partner's family.

Catslife said...

*nods* Tis a hard life being a N..