Tuesday 22 January 2008

Bad Blogger

I know I haven't posted for a few days, work has been so hectic that I have had nothing in real life happening and I really don't want to bore you with the mundanes and lunancy that is my employment.

Outside the mad house, The Reggler is now getting free range outside. I spent a few fraught hours on Saturday anxiously watching out the windows for him, but I realised at some point Cat-Mommies have to let go and let them be big cats. He isn't going far and is returning after an hour, so all is well. Funnily enough I don't remember worrying about letting the other 2 out, it may just be because he seems so young and stupid in comparison to his big brothers.

I did also finally bit the bullet and get my hair cut - it is a cross between the Natalie post below an Katie Holmes bob. I do love it but feel strangely young. (maybe because Suri has the same one too)

On a personal level, I do have some news but you will have to wait a few days more until I tell you as I am trying to get my own head round it myself.

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