Friday 23 May 2008

Things that are on my mind from this week..

* I have learned that sometimes it is best not to interfere, that things usually work out for the best even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.

* Most people do not listen to advice, even when asked for. It is hard to gain a perspective on things when you are stuck in the middle of it. And you have to accept this when giving advice.

* Everyday when I am driving to & from work, I amuse myself spotting the baby rabbits that are feeding on the grass verge. There is one bit in particular where there is a black rabbit, that I imagine is an escaped domestic pet, now living free, mixing his genes in the pool of wild ones. I like that thought.

* I have zero motivation this week and I am so tired. I have never looked forward to a bank holiday week end so much in my life.

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