Tuesday 10 June 2008

Things they don't tell you about being pregnant..

Is the odd dreams. For example, I recently dreamt that I was a vampire. Infact head of a vampire coven, that lived in a big castle that faced on to a grave yard.. The castle had patio doors that too for some odd reason.. Anyway I had agreed with the head of another vampire coven thing that we were going to join households, and he had came to my castle with some of his people where we were going to do some biting ceremony.

All was going well with the proceedings until I came across one of his stupid members, who had cut a whole in the patio door glass & was eating Reggie's legs through it. Reggie was ok, but the bottom part of his legs were nibbled down to the bone leaving his feet and stupid wee stick legs.. I then I went ballistic smashing vampire skulls and woke myself up with the rage.

I really shouldn't eat cheese before I go to bed...

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