Friday 8 August 2008

The countdown has begun..

Well, if science is right, I have 5 weeks to go until the big day. And a whole 2 weeks left to work. I have funny feelings about finishing up, partly worry that I will have a job to go back to (if any of you pay attention to the banking half year profit results, you will understand why) but also looking forward to a break from it all. I am thinking of taking the opportuntiy for an industry change and maybe use my skills in an area that I have more personal interest in.

I have also started my parenting/ antenatal classes which are proving interesting.It covers everythign from the birth (oh god) through to getting the baby home & bathing it. If I am honest this is the bit that is scaring me the most - it seems so technical and practicing on a doll isn'tthe same as 8lbs of squirming real baby.

The other mums and dads-to-be are an odd bunch who do not say much and I wonder if they understand at times. Some of them look like the do not want to be there.

At home the nursery is finished and we have a nightly challenge of keeping the cats out the room/ cot/ basket as they think it should be their's. Boy are they in for a shock.

Other news is that I having a massive clear out & flogging things on ebay - I had forgotten how much of an asshole city that site has become & I wishing I hadn't started.

1 comment:

Miss Forthright said...

I'm interested to hear you're thinking of changing jobs- might be good for you. I guess you'll have to see when the baby arrives how much work (full or part time) you want to go back to.