Tuesday 21 August 2007

A mood most foul.

Hey. How's your Monday been? I hate Mondays. I am especially hating today as my ribs seem to be getting more painful as time goes on, so my temper is on a short fuse with even the nicey folk in the office grating my nerves.

What didn't help that I came into a cheery email this morning stating that the next team building fandago was that we were going to do is creating a flipping music video together ..and singing... Yep. SINGING.

Jesus. H .Christ , what is WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??!

Now don't' get me wrong, I am all for team building, and I am part of a great team. But singing.. I am under no illusion that I can sing & coupled with a video camera pointing at me it is my worst nightmare.

I do not harbour fantasies of being discovered on X Factor as I am well aware it is beyond my ablities and mainly because I am quite shy. Which people findquite strange, as on meeting me you wouldn't think so. In work I can stand & present without fear, and quite comfortable to chair meetings at senior level.

However ask me to be bold in a personal context & the good old nervous rash appears and I start fretting weeks before the actual event. And to add insult to injury I am pretty sure I gave them the idea as I joked when they said they had a few good ideas by saying ' It isn't singing or something is it?'. F**kers.

The only good news for today is that it looks like my car insurance company is coughing up, so I now need to do it fight them for how much. And I have discovered my local dry cleaner does an ironing service, so my ironing board is getting binned..


Miss Forthright said...

Jesus. Singing? I feel for you, hon.

Catslife said...

I am having the sweats over it already. I would happily crack another rib if it meant getting out of it...

Miss Forthright said...

I've got a plan.

1) Volunteer as a stunt extra on 24
2) Sleep with Kiefer Sutherland
3) Break rib either during rough sex with Kiefer or on set as a stunt double (your choice)
4) Tada!

Catslife said...

Lordy.. could you imagine. Sorry folks I ain't singing today.. cause I can't walk thanks to copious sh**ging with Mr Sutherland..


Miss Forthright said...

I know, if only...