Tuesday 9 October 2007

Catslife recommends..

Looking to take pain to a whole new level? Never mind tattoos, try waxing your own bikini line. Good god. I actually questioned my own sanity last night over why I do these things.

I had very weird dreams last night, first off all I dreamt I was driving my brother's car & I took it to a petrol station where I bumped into a couple of boys I went to school with. Where I agreed to lend one of them the car. Which he took off in & was away for ages When he finally appeared back, it was because he had run out of petrol, which I didn't believe as I had just put fuel in it.

Then my dream switched to where I was a polar bear in the Antarctic. All the snow was melting and it ended up I was on a wee bit of ice that was gradually getting smaller & smaller, which kept capsizing with my weight and I was scrambling to get back on but my fur was so heavy & wet. Finally I was just swimming in this slushy icy stuff.. I woke up when I was thinking, Well I am just going to have to let go now, there is nothing else I can do apart from drown.

It makes me sad every time I think about it.

1 comment:

Miss Forthright said...

Aww that dream is awful!