Monday 19 November 2007

Movies, football and suicide.

My week has been pretty non eventful, filled with rising for work when it dark & returning home after it is dark. So I my blogging has been a bit sparse.

Thank you for all the kind comments on my outfit for the weekend before, it went very well and I felt very glam in my outfit. Although we did leave my dress & The Boy's suit in the room, and now have the tedious job of harrassing/ reminding/ chasing the hotel to post it out to us.

On Friday night we went to the cinema to watch an American Gangster, which was good albeit slightly long. Denzel Washington played Frank Lucas, who is a real-life drug dealer who smuggled the drug into the country in American service planes returning from the Vietnam War. Russell Crowe portrays Richie Roberts, a detective who eventually brings down Lucas' drug empire but is fighting his own demons. While I don't really like Russell Crowe ( I never got the sex appeal thing) I am beginning to appreciate him as an actor. As always Denzel was brilliant and I find him believable as a good or bad guy.

The boy spend Saturday with thousands of other Scots & lots of beer watching the nation's footballing hopes being dashed. I as a hater of all things sporting, spent the afternoon starting my Christmas shopping & then I watched a mixture of films. Ranging from the bloody 300, which was spectaculary filmed & would have no doubt been quite something in the cinema, but the story lacked depth so it really was just a chop fest. The other film I watched was Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself.

It is a black comedy set in Glasgow about a guy who keeps trying to end his life. I really only watched it because the beautiful Mads Mikkelsen plays a doctor in it, but not even that could save the film.

However the numerous attempts by Wilbur did prompt me to thinking last night in bed, if I decided to kill myself what would be my choice?
A gun shot to the head seems so brutal and messy and I wouldn't actually know where to get a gun. So that is probably a No..

Hanging myself? Hmmm.. I don't think I would know how to tie the ropes and would probably end up with some nasty burns on my neck.

Drowning is meant to be a peaceful way to go, but would I be able to actually stay under the water? I reckon it would hurt like a bastard ( I have a fear of pain) when the water hits your lungs.. I suppose after that it would be quite peaceful as you slowly pass out from lack of oxygen.
Or maybe gassing would be better? But what if it caused an explosion or something and killed other people?

Or tablets? ( but then what if I didn't take enough and just ended up on dialysis for the rest of my life?)..

So I drifted off to sleep thinking I would probably cut my wrists, it would be painful doing it and I might only be able to do one if I cut the tendons but the mess would be quite bad.

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