Monday 5 November 2007

Nothing ever rocks and nothing ever rolls & nothing's ever worth the cost….

Well, it is Monday again. Didn't the weekend zip by fast?

My weekend was rather quiet, Mr C was working for the majority of Saturday so the mini -beasts & I pottered about the house, mostly hiding under the bed away from the fireworks ( the cats not me) and watching crap tv.

You may remember my post from a while ago about a posh do we have in November ? Well it is Saturday. Remember the blog post about the FUCK outfit & the silver heels quandary? And how pleased I was that I was super organised and had my outfit in the bag plus it wasn't a black dress, which being Christmas season soon are flooding the shops?

Yeah, well. The boy came home from work on Friday night to tell me that my best mate had bought a new dress and it was a purple shift. For me to screech, WHAT?? It seems we had miscommunicated via email & male descriptions - her thinking it was a maroon shirt dress… which she avoided like the plaque, but managed to buy a dress almost identical to the proper description. To make matter worse her parents bought it for her so I could hardly tell her to take it back.

Friday night was spend in a manic depressive mood searching online for outfit inspiration amongst the millions of black dresses. Saturday was an early rise, thanks to the boy leaving early & letting the Escape Artist upstairs, who decided to serenade me from the stairs with what sounded vey like Amy Winehouse.

My early trip paid off & I bought a lovely long dress from Warehouse. My inspiration is Vespa Lynd in Casino Royale. I shall be sporting dramatic make up and working the glamour. I also bought some new foundation form MAC which I had forgotten how much I love it, and some ginger goodies from Origins.

Yesterday we went out for pizza and watched 30 Days of Night, which was utter gash. It just wasn't anything new.. A team of people trying to survive a team of maurading vampires. slowly picked off one by one - until our hero has a showdown at the end. The only saving grace is that pretty boy Josh Hartnett is in it.

Oh and I have Meatloaf's bat out of hell in my head.


Miss Forthright said...

Which mac foundation did you get? I've got Studio Fix fluid which is aces. Vespa Lynd: good inspiration! Lots of smoky make up.

Catslife said...

It isn't the studio fix .. i think. I will need to check & get back to you..